
Support for high-level AST matchers.

These return extended match objects that can carry syntactic and/or lexical information about the match.

parse_ast(source_code: str, filename: str = '<string>') → refex.python.matcher.PythonParsedFile

Parses an AST in a way that supports the built-in matchers.

This includes auxiliary information / post-processing / etc. which are not provided by ast.parse().

  • source_code – Python source code.

  • filename – file name (for reporting syntax errors and the like).


The resulting PythonParsedFile


ParseError – The file failed to parse.

find_iter(matcher: refex.python.matcher.Matcher, parsed: refex.python.matcher.PythonParsedFile) → Iterator[refex.python.matcher.MatchInfo]

Finds all matches in an AST.

This is analogous to re.finditer(). If a node is matched, then any sub-nodes are skipped. Otherwise, find_iter() recurses inside of the node to find matches inside of it.


The successful results of matcher.match() (MatchInfo).


exception ParseError

Bases: Exception

Exception raised if input failed to parse.

The stringified exception specifies all the necessary/available debug information about the error, location, etc., but does not include the filename.

class PythonParsedFile(text: str, path: str, pragmas: Iterable[Pragma], ast_tokens: asttokens.asttokens.ASTTokens, tree: _ast.Module, nav: AstNav)

Bases: refex.parsed_file.ParsedFile

Preprocessed file information, including the AST etc.

class MatchContext(parsed_file: refex.python.matcher.PythonParsedFile, has_successful_run: Set[Hashable] = NOTHING, has_match_run: Set[Hashable] = NOTHING)

Bases: object

Per-match and per-file context.

One prototype MatchContext exists per file, containing shared data across all successful runs. A separate derived instance is made per top-level invocation of a matcher, which can be used to keep state across a match that shouldn’t transfer to subsequent match attempts. (For example, a matcher that must match exactly the same string across all invocations inside a match, or similar.)


class LexicalMatch(text: str, first_token: asttokens.util.Token, last_token: asttokens.util.Token, include_first: bool = True, include_last: bool = True)

Bases: refex.match.Match

Lexical match with no AST information.


The first token delimiting the matched lexical span.


The last token delimiting the matched lexical span.


Whether this starts before or after the first token.


Whether this ends before or after the last token.


The matched string.


The matched span.

class LexicalASTMatch(matched: Any, text: str, first_token: asttokens.util.Token, last_token: asttokens.util.Token, include_first: bool = True, include_last: bool = True)

Bases: refex.match.ObjectMatch, refex.python.matcher.LexicalMatch

AST match with adjustable start/end tokens.


class BoundValue(value: Any, on_conflict=None, on_merge=None)

Mergeable bound values.

Two BoundValue objects will only be merged if they have equal merge attributes – i.e. if they both agree on how to merge with each other. Anything else results in a MatchError.


A value that has a bound name somewhere.


A strategy from BindConflict for merging two bound values. Defaults to MERGE.


A strategy from BindMerge for how to merge. Defaults to KEEP_LAST.

rebind(on_conflict=None, on_merge=None)

Returns a new BoundValue with different merge settings.

  • on_conflict – if not None, a new value for on_conflict.

  • on_merge – if not None, a new value for on_merge.


A new BoundValue with the same value, and the updated merge settings.

class BindMerge

Bind conflict merge strategies.

If a conflict is considered mergeable by the BindConflict parameter, this says how to merge the two.

class BindConflict

What to do if two bindings share the same name.

Each of these is a value that can be passed as the merge parameter to BoundValue, or the on_conflict parameter to base_matchers.Bind.


Merge the two bindings (using the chosen BindMerge strategy).


Fail this match.


Raise a MatchError


Merge if the values are equal, otherwise SKIP.


Merge if the values are equal, otherwise ERROR.


Merge if the values are “equivalent” ASTs, otherwise SKIP.

Two ASTs are equivalent if they are structurally identical, modulo lvalue/rvalue distinctions. (Variables are considered equivalent if they have the same name, even if one is used for a load and the other is used for a store.)


Merge if the values are “equivalent” ASTs, otherwise ERROR.


exception MatchError

An error raised when something went wrong in the match.

This exception represents a bug in the way a matcher was used, not a bug in the matcher implementation or in refex itself.

class MatchInfo(match: refex.match.Match, bindings: Dict[str, refex.python.matcher.BoundValue] = NOTHING, replacements: Dict[str, refex.formatting.Template] = NOTHING)

A result object containing a successful match.


The match for the top-level matcher.


the replacement for the match, if any.


A dict of bound matches for later reuse.


A dict of replacements for given bindings.

class Matcher

An immutable AST node matcher.

Reusable subclasses are in refex.python.matchers.

match(context: refex.python.matcher.MatchContext, candidate: Any) → Optional[refex.python.matcher.MatchInfo]

Matches a candidate value.

  • context – A MatchContext object with additional metadata.

  • candidate – A candidate object to be matched against.


A MatchInfo object, or None if the match failed.

Concrete Matchers

class DebugLabeledMatcher(debug_label: str, submatcher, log_level: int = 1)

A matcher which wraps another matcher with a label for debugging.

class ImplicitEquals(value: Any)

Matches a candidate iff it equals the provided value.

This is implicitly created whenever a matcher was expected, but a non-matcher value was provided. For example, Contains(3) creates the matcher Contains(ImplicitEquals(3)).

To explicitly compare for equality, use base_matchers.Equals. ImplicitEquals should never be used explicitly (but is fine to use implicitly).